Presentations and Events

Core Elements of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

6/9/2023: This presentation given by BrainFutures’ David Esselman and Fluence’s Victor Cabral at the 2023 Mental Health America Conference covers the core elements of psychedelic-assisted therapy and how this treatment can map into existing systems that clinicians and payers are already using to facilitate reimbursement. 

Psychedelics and Primary Care

3/9/2023: This panel by and for primary care providers discusses how clinicians can understand their role in helping patients safely access psychedelic-assisted therapy. 

Horizons NYC 2022

10/14/2022: This presentation hosted by BrainFutures’ David Esselman and Dr. Heidi Allen from Columbia University provides a survey of current research in the field and the future innovation and research needed to expand access, reduce costs, and bolster patient safety for this treatment.

The Boston Psychedelic Research Group

9/18/2022: David Esselman discusses BrainFutures’ current work in the psychedelic-assisted therapy field alongside Jacqueline Lampert, Principal from the Rockingstone Group.