A Guide to CPT and HCPCS Codes for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

The psychedelic-assisted therapy field needs a unified reimbursement strategy.

Download the complete guide here.

As anticipated FDA-approval of new psychedelic drugs or psychedelic-assisted therapies nears, the field needs a unified coding and reimbursement strategy to facilitate widespread reimbursement from healthcare payers. BrainFutures’ A Guide to CPT and HCPCS Codes for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy aims to provide practitioners and providers with a comprehensive resource to navigate the complex landscape of medical coding for psychedelic-assisted therapy, regardless of the drug used.

To ensure that psychedelic-assisted therapy will be affordable and accessible, payers must offer coverage of these new treatments. BrainFutures convened a workgroup of experts in psychedelic-assisted therapy, behavioral health, and coding and billing to inform the creation of a coding guide to facilitate third-party billing and support the utilization and adoption of new codes for this novel treatment.

BrainFutures hopes that this guide will help advance access to new psychedelic-assisted therapies and facilitate productive conversations between healthcare payers and practitioners in the early stages of clinical adoption.

Download our free, printable coding cheat-sheets here.

For media inquiries, please contact info@brainfutures.org.

BrainFutures is grateful to the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation, the Darla Moore Foundation, the Cammack Family Charitable Gift Fund, and an anonymous donor for making this project possible.